Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dry Tortugas.

As everyday, i was riding my express downtown's train when, surprisingly, the magazine in my hands showed me the picture you see on the left and i thought right away: what the hell is that?
That's Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, one of the many car-free sites in United States.
Of course this blog supports any sort of pro-environment initiative and National Parks are one of the smartest demonstration that human beings and nature can perfectly share the same environment. Planning vacations in protected areas is honorable and prove that men can be intelligent at the point to understand that vacation doesn't always mean luxury or long siestas. In fact in most of these kind of Parks there's nothing than a beautiful nature to admire and camping there is a really primitive experience, you'd better bring with you the water you need to drink and to wash yourself. That's very cool and useful. I'd love to have the time and energy to face a trip in one of these beautiful American car-free islands like Channel Islands National Park, a beautiful archipelago virtually free of people despite being only 60 miles far away from Los Angeles. The archipelago counts 5 islands, home of thousands of species of plants and animals 145 of which are found nowhere else on earth. If you are so lucky to live close to Maine, it won't be so difficult for you to reach Isle au Haut, a pine-slab of rock 7 miles off the coast of the Arcadia National Park. But the choice you have is huge: Cumberland Island National Seashore -Georgia-, Isle Royale National Park -Michigan-, Fire Island -New York-, Cape Lookout national Seashore -North Carolina- and many others...
So, go there, you'll enjoy nature and you'll experience something new.
I spent almost 5 minutes observing the beautiful image of Dry Tortugas and many thoughts came to me. The first though, i confess, was an embarrassing mistake, in fact i couldn't understand how they could be able to name a resort big like that as a National Park. They'd been able just because that's not a resort and there's no jacuzzi rooms inside it.
That's the nineteenth-century Fort Jefferson and the island was discovered in 1513 by Ponce De Leon who used plenty of tortugas (turtles) as a provision of fresh meat for his ships, but he had no fresh water so, Dry Tortugas.
Looking so long at the picture and having under my eyes just that big title "Car-Free Islands", i felt like living the depressing future that many movies already showed me... that kind of situations where there's only couple of hundreds protected areas on the planet where you can find no cars or generally no human negative impacts. Reserves. That's why i thought that i want a future where the concept of Protected Area or National Park won't exist anymore. I don't want any national park in my future.
I mean, the change i hope for the next years suggests me that cars will be able to go anywhere they want or anywhere there's a street (no Dry Tortugas...), because cars won't pollute anymore. I don't intend my future as a polluted world with a nice and every time less extended, not polluted protected area or national park. The same idea of national park let me feel like i need it. In a clean world there's no national parks guys, the whole planet is a national park. At least we could accept some restricted areas where to put the factories we could not survive without and that's it.
The concept and the idea of no-impact vacation is great, but I'd like this to be the rule. As you already know I'd like many things to change in our up coming future, in the mean time enjoy your time in the American National Parks never forgetting that you can always hope to find that beautiful nature closer to the place where you live, that means every where.
Thank you for your time and attention.

- Plenty Magazine - - -
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