Sometimes good news come exactly from where you never expect: from Italy.
Gabriella Gianmarco is a 31 yo beautiful blond girl, she is a member of the Italian Parliament and surprisingly she's not under investigation for corruption or crimes against the public administration, if we consider that she belongs to the Berlusconi's party (Popolo delle Liberta') the surprise is double. Mmmhhh.... sorry couldn't keep it. I'm telling you about this young woman because last July she'd presented to the Parliament a law proposal as the first signatory. The law proposal NR. 1564 is about regulating the public programs supposed to finance circus and the enterprises behind them, and adds to the previous legislation new rules for a gradual retirement of animals. I particularly appreciated the introduction by which On. Gianmarco explain why Italy should approve a kind of law like this:
"It's more than 25 years that Circus are under the attention of environmentalists, this kind of attention is now part of every one's cultural DNA, that's why people in our country is going to circus less and less, and that's why our spectacular and glorious Circus' popularity dropped so deep. The use of animals put our way to do this kind of job very anachronistic and not anymore interesting or exciting.
For their whole existence long, animals are forced to live in small cages, with arms and legs chained. Always. When they work they're obliged to play games that don't exist in nature, they're transported anywhere in the world into dirty containers, their whole life is sufferance, phsyco rapes and punishments. Due to the rising disaffect of people, Circus sustainability is mostly depending from public support programs, without them they should close very soon. We intend circus to get back their social function, we intend to support this traditional and joyful, familiar moment and we try to give Circus back their huge audiences. In a view to achieve such results we need to urgently present a discipline that strictly forbid animals' performances. Someone could think that this is an attempt to abolish Circus, we just plan they match a common sense and a concept already absorbed by masses, the concept of respect of animals' dignity, no matter if they were already born in captivity. If we think at the success of the "Cirque du Soleil" we can understand that good athletes are better than a substitute of animals, these creatures tolerate incredible violence to learn the moves they have to repeat during the show, this kill their beautiful nature and instinct. Exhibitions are the result of unaudited sufferance, any micro mistake during the training is punished with terrible injuries and no food, basically an entire life dedicated to submission. As you know most of children find very funny watching an animal acting unnatural, but surely they won't have any pedagogic benefit mostly on the sensibility development point of view. The relationship between men and animals inside a Circus is not the relationship between men and animals you want your kids to think as the right one, children could learn that animals are nothing more than toys, with a life but without a respect due to it, without the dignity that every life deserve. Children get the message that animals are just funny or are created to have fun of them, no thinking at their human side or need of freedom. If we intend to re-discover a relationship between men and nature, children and animals, we don't see this law as a possibility but as a necessity. Consider that when our Circus organizations go to Belgium, Israel or Germany, they are welcomed with protests pushing foreign authorities to ban Italian Circus from their territory, actually they think at that like an attempt to mine the cleanness of their national image. It's not a case that European Union usually condemned our Circus for the conditions of the animals, we'd like all this to find an end, to give back dignity to animals and circus both, to save art and not to support a stereotype cancelled by mass cultural acquisitions". Good job, I'll let you know if the Italian Parliament will approve this law proposal. Thank you for your time and attention.
- "Personal" translation of the Proposta di Legge Gianmarco n. 1564 introduction -
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