Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Best things are for free. Free hugs in NYC.

Today is a beautiful, sunny day in New York City. It's wednesday, i just woke up took a long shower and i thougth that this world needs a new hope. A new hope for everyone living on this planet. A new hope that means change...that recognizes that just a hug, should be important for each others lives. If someone gets promoted and that someone is not you don't be angry...even if you're sure you deserved it more than him or her. You don't need to envy anyone. Are you your work? No, you are not your job, maybe you like your job as i love mine, but i'm not it. Please put your all effort into discovering reality again. To discover again that a new, sincere friend is much more important than a job promotion. Think more about your kids (if you are lucky enough to have one or more). Ok, right, i know, i completely means money, money neans that my kids can grow up in better conditions. But i always ask myself: when are your kids gonna be ok? When you'll say "ok that's enough"? Never. And if you'll never say "ok now is enough" that means war. War between men. War because our resources are limited. Please start to think that maybe (not for sure) you have enough, that hundred years ago, having one chicken to share between four people over a week was enough to be happy. Don't you think that you and your family are rich enough? Start to think again that the most important things on this world are FOR FREE. Like a sincere hug. Please give this world another chance, please, if you don't have any problem with money STOP immediately to try to make more more more more more and more of it.

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