Thursday, January 17, 2008

Italian most wanted.

In 2006, Clemente Mastella became minister of Justice in the Prodi government. Mastella promoted a general amnesty in 2006 which brought to a considerable increase of crime rates in Italy.He also proposed the introduction of though crimes for dubting the truth of the official version of the Holocaust, but this was dropped after a big outcry by historian and for such a law being uncostitutional in Italy. As minister of justice, Mastella received an "Advice of Judicial Proceedings" in February 2007 from the Naples prosecutors' office. He's been investigated for fraudulent bankruptcy when Naples Football collapsed in 2004. Mastella was vice president of the Board of Directors. In september 2007 he asked the Higher Council of the Magistracy to arrange the transfer of the procecuting attorney of Catanzaro Luigi De Magistris, who was inquiring on a presume commitee of transaction composed by politicians and magistrates. Mastella 's wife, Anna Lonardo, is also a politician and she act as president of the Regional Council of Campania. She has been under house arrest for suspected bribery since january 16, 2008. Meanwhile Mastella has resigned from his position as Justice Minister.

Are you wondering what are you reading? Do you think you it's a top secret dossier on the italian Justice Minister? No. You are just reading the Wikipedia definition of the FINALLY EX italian Justice Minister.

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